cPanel Certified Partner Program
The cPanel Certified Partner Program gives cPanel Partners an opportunity to acquire a new form of esteemed accreditation, displayed prominently alongside their company's name in the cPanel Partner Directory. cPanel Certified Partners will receive a high-resolution certificate digital badge to represent their new status. These partners will also have their support requests automatically escalated to cPanel's Ultra Priority Technical Support queue.
cPanel & WHM Systems Administrator 2
cPanel University is excited to announce that the new cPanel & WHM System Administrator 2 advanced course (CWSA-2) is now available, including a new certification to show you have a more in-depth and advanced level of knowledge for supporting your web hosting clients!

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Test your skills now, or develop your skills further with the cPanel University coursework.
Tech Courses
Starting in 2016, cPanel University began unveiling courses to teach users about cPanel, WHM and how to solve common issues. Learn the ropes, or hone your existing skills using our tech-focused, self-paced coursework.
Sales Courses
The cPU Sales courses cover the features, benefits, and technical usage of cPanel & WHM. Prove you have what it takes to help sell your next cPanel & WHM server, cloud instance, or VPS servers.
cPanel University was developed to provide those supporting and selling cPanel products and services with an opportunity to become certified with cPanel & WHM. By conquering the cPU Certifications, you'll become an accredited and recognized expert of your craft.
Suppose you see the SafeAdmin Certified label or badge next to a Sysadmin company's name. In that case, you can rest a little easier knowing that, if you decide to make use of that company's services, the technicians who will be working on your server are knowledgeable and safety-minded professionals.
Get up to speed on your knowledge of cPanel & WHM server administration, and prove yourself by getting officially certified by cPanel.
cPanel understands that learning new software can be daunting. With a large product like cPanel & WHM, figuring out where to start can be a challenge. So we've created cPanel University Training Coursework, designed to get you started and help you out along the way.
Loaded with comprehensive training modules, cPanel University breaks down all you need to know about selling and using the cPanel & WHM software into digestible modules, perfect for casual, independent learning.
cPanel & WHM Sales Certification (Sales)
The cPU Sales course covers the features, benefits, and fundamental usage of cPanel & WHM. Prove you have what it takes to help sell your next cPanel & WHM server, cloud instance, or VPS server.
cPanel Professional Certification (cPC)
The cPanel Professional Certification is the first step in technical cPanel & WHM certification. We designed it to test your understanding of internet technologies and cPanel interface administration.
cPanel & WHM Administrator Certification (CWA)
The cPanel & WHM Administrator course track tests your knowledge on service administration, ranging from web stack setup, to email troubleshooting, custom DNS configurations, and administrating SQL engines through WHM.
cPanel & WHM Systems Administrator I Certification (CWSA-I)
This tier of coursework is for those looking to expand their skills into the command-line realm of administering their cPanel & WHM server. You're learning all the core curriculum concepts but catered towards administration from the perspective of your server's shell environment.
The cPanel University Team



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